Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Les Alliés, Section Spéciale de Sabotage
Herbert Brill, un navigateur du B-17 du 8ème U.S.A.A.F. tombé à Expiremont (17) le 31 décembre 1943, a été récupéré par la Résistance charentaise et la Section Spéciale de Sabotage de Jacques Nancy.
Herbert Brill a participé avec des sabotages et des combats, notamment le 24 juillet 1944 à Javerlhac avec la S.S.S. et la brigade Rac. Cinq semaines plus tard, le 31 août, Herbert Brill et ses camarades participent à la libération d'Angoulême.
Le 4 septembre, sur un terrain d'aviation improvisé aux environs de Limoges, Herbert Brill et une quarantaine d'autres alliés récupérés dans les prisons d'Angoulême et dans plusieurs maquis montent à bord de deux dakotas pour être ramenés en Angleterre.
A l'heure de la retraite, Herbert Brill n'a qu'une seul idée - revenir en France. Avec son épouse Millicent, il acheté une maison à Nontron profitant du séjour pour rencontrer ses amis de la Résistance, participer aux cérémonies commémoratives des combats de Javerlhac et d'Angoulême.
Millicent et Herb Brill ont contribué souvent aux bulletins de l'Air Force Escape and Evasion Society (A.F.E.E.S.) et ci-dessous est une belle lettre (en anglais) écrit pendant un sejour à Nontron publiée par l'A.F.E.E.S. pendant l'été 1993.
Nontron (Dordogne) France - lO June 1993
Dear Friends:
Herb and I arrived in France early in May in order to attend
the reunion of Maquis Group (Section Speciale de Sabotage) that Herb was in during the nine months that he and Bill Weber were in
France in 1944. Besides the reunion, the occasion was to commemorate
a plaque in a small town (Pons) in honor of a
member of the group, Elie (Emile) Dodart and his wife. (1)
During the eight course lunch that followed, one of his sons showed us a photo of a B-17, autographed by Reuben Fier (2), as well as the certificate from the AFEES that Elie Dodart had received, Also attending the reunion were M. & Mme. Jean Basse of Royan, who helped Burt Williams evade in 1944. So it can be said that the AFEES had a good representation at the reunion.
We were sorry to have missed the AFEES reunion in St.Louis (which we have heard was a big success) because of Herb's reunion here. Unfortunately, if the next one is held in June, we will have to miss that one too because we have been invited to attend the 5Oth Anniversary Commemoration on June 6th 1994, at the U.S. Military cemetery at Normandy, where my brother is buried. In any case it is very probable that we will be able to attend the ceremony in Plouha and/or accompany the AFEES group to the cemetery next May.
This is our fourth summer in our old house in this small town in Perigord in the area of Herb's wartime sojurn, among many old and dear friends who were the children he knew then. One of them provided the pictures which she took at the time, of Herb as "Jacques Robert Litaud" for his false identity card, (note the Air Force shirt and tie). Another photo is of Herb and Bill Weber and four other U.S. airmen (now deceased) as well as members of the families who fed them while Herb and Bill were hiding in a hole in the woods between Maquis raids in which they participated. The hole was called the "Yankee Hotel" by our friends over here and is still a favorite visiting place for our family and friends.
Herb recently found his diary that he kept during those nine months and it is great being here in the area and visiting the places he mentions. He also found everyone he knew during the war who is still living. Other events are still to come: The inauguration of the Museum of the Resistance and of Deportation in Angouleme next week, the anniversary of the Battle of Javerlhac on July 24th and the Liberation of Angouleme in August, both of which Herb participated in.
So between all this WWII activity, plus new ones with new friends, including hunting for wild mushrooms that grow in the woods, helping with the wine harvest, picking raspberries and gooseberries, etc. Looking forward to a visit from Renee and Leslie Atkinsoll some time soon and visits from family members from home plus attending to the repairs which always seem io be needed on our house, we stay very busy.
We send our best regards to all our friends in the AFEES. Harry Dolph has our address and phone number here where we can be reached until about the end of August, then sometime in September (we think) we'll be home in Corona del Mar, Calif.
During the eight course lunch that followed, one of his sons showed us a photo of a B-17, autographed by Reuben Fier (2), as well as the certificate from the AFEES that Elie Dodart had received, Also attending the reunion were M. & Mme. Jean Basse of Royan, who helped Burt Williams evade in 1944. So it can be said that the AFEES had a good representation at the reunion.
We were sorry to have missed the AFEES reunion in St.Louis (which we have heard was a big success) because of Herb's reunion here. Unfortunately, if the next one is held in June, we will have to miss that one too because we have been invited to attend the 5Oth Anniversary Commemoration on June 6th 1994, at the U.S. Military cemetery at Normandy, where my brother is buried. In any case it is very probable that we will be able to attend the ceremony in Plouha and/or accompany the AFEES group to the cemetery next May.
This is our fourth summer in our old house in this small town in Perigord in the area of Herb's wartime sojurn, among many old and dear friends who were the children he knew then. One of them provided the pictures which she took at the time, of Herb as "Jacques Robert Litaud" for his false identity card, (note the Air Force shirt and tie). Another photo is of Herb and Bill Weber and four other U.S. airmen (now deceased) as well as members of the families who fed them while Herb and Bill were hiding in a hole in the woods between Maquis raids in which they participated. The hole was called the "Yankee Hotel" by our friends over here and is still a favorite visiting place for our family and friends.
Herb recently found his diary that he kept during those nine months and it is great being here in the area and visiting the places he mentions. He also found everyone he knew during the war who is still living. Other events are still to come: The inauguration of the Museum of the Resistance and of Deportation in Angouleme next week, the anniversary of the Battle of Javerlhac on July 24th and the Liberation of Angouleme in August, both of which Herb participated in.
So between all this WWII activity, plus new ones with new friends, including hunting for wild mushrooms that grow in the woods, helping with the wine harvest, picking raspberries and gooseberries, etc. Looking forward to a visit from Renee and Leslie Atkinsoll some time soon and visits from family members from home plus attending to the repairs which always seem io be needed on our house, we stay very busy.
We send our best regards to all our friends in the AFEES. Harry Dolph has our address and phone number here where we can be reached until about the end of August, then sometime in September (we think) we'll be home in Corona del Mar, Calif.
All our best,
Millicent and Herb
(1) : De nombreaux fugitifs américains, traversant le secteur de Pons, vont bénéficier du secours d'Elie Dodart figure de la Résistance locale. Le 3 janvier 1944 il reprend la route en direction de la Dordogne. Il emmène deux aviateurs américains, cachés sous des bottes de paille, jusqu'au village de Cussac, près d'Oradour-sur-Vayres, en Haute-Vienne, où sont déjà rassemblés six autres aviateurs américains tombés dans les environs de Pons. Tous sont hébergés jusqu'au 17 janvier dans une vaste maison, le "Chalet de la Grande Monnerie" appartenant à la famille de Pierre Moreau, très actif du réseau "Gallia" des Forces Françaises Libre.
Plus tard, le 14 avril 1944 Elie Dodart, sous le nom de guerre de Emile Duplantier fera partie de la S.S.S. de Jacques Nancy. Son épouse Jacqueline a aidé la S.S.S. et son cousin Jacques Dodart "Toubib" a fait partie de la S.S.S. également.
(2) : Le Lieutenant Reuben Fier, bombardier à bord du quadrimoteur du 8ème USAAF qui s'est abattu à Figers, près d'Echebrune (17) le 31 décembre 1943, a sauté en parachute et a atterrit au nord de Pons. Deux frères de la famille Boizeau, exploitant une ferme à Tartifume, l'ont aperçu et lui portent secours, le ramenant à la maison. L'aviateur est hebergé, caché en attendant de lui trouver une filière d'évasion. Reuben Fier serait l'un des huit aviateurs hébergés par François Antoine à Cussac, responsable des Maquis de la région de Cussac-Oradour s/ Vayres et la famille Moreau dans la maison familiale de la Grand Monnerie d'Oradour-sur-Vayres.
Sources (1) et (2) :
Christian Genet, Jacques Leroux et Bernard Ballanger "Les deux Charentes sous les bombes 194O-1945", il y a un chapitre dedié au dix bombardiers du 8ème U.S.A.A.F. abattus le 31 décembre 1943 dans le sud-ouest.
La famille d'Elie Dodart.
A lire également :
Herbert Brill : Remise de la Légion d'Honneur - Grassac le 16 juillet 2OO5 (lien)
Millicent and Herb
(1) : De nombreaux fugitifs américains, traversant le secteur de Pons, vont bénéficier du secours d'Elie Dodart figure de la Résistance locale. Le 3 janvier 1944 il reprend la route en direction de la Dordogne. Il emmène deux aviateurs américains, cachés sous des bottes de paille, jusqu'au village de Cussac, près d'Oradour-sur-Vayres, en Haute-Vienne, où sont déjà rassemblés six autres aviateurs américains tombés dans les environs de Pons. Tous sont hébergés jusqu'au 17 janvier dans une vaste maison, le "Chalet de la Grande Monnerie" appartenant à la famille de Pierre Moreau, très actif du réseau "Gallia" des Forces Françaises Libre.
Plus tard, le 14 avril 1944 Elie Dodart, sous le nom de guerre de Emile Duplantier fera partie de la S.S.S. de Jacques Nancy. Son épouse Jacqueline a aidé la S.S.S. et son cousin Jacques Dodart "Toubib" a fait partie de la S.S.S. également.
(2) : Le Lieutenant Reuben Fier, bombardier à bord du quadrimoteur du 8ème USAAF qui s'est abattu à Figers, près d'Echebrune (17) le 31 décembre 1943, a sauté en parachute et a atterrit au nord de Pons. Deux frères de la famille Boizeau, exploitant une ferme à Tartifume, l'ont aperçu et lui portent secours, le ramenant à la maison. L'aviateur est hebergé, caché en attendant de lui trouver une filière d'évasion. Reuben Fier serait l'un des huit aviateurs hébergés par François Antoine à Cussac, responsable des Maquis de la région de Cussac-Oradour s/ Vayres et la famille Moreau dans la maison familiale de la Grand Monnerie d'Oradour-sur-Vayres.
Sources (1) et (2) :
Christian Genet, Jacques Leroux et Bernard Ballanger "Les deux Charentes sous les bombes 194O-1945", il y a un chapitre dedié au dix bombardiers du 8ème U.S.A.A.F. abattus le 31 décembre 1943 dans le sud-ouest.
La famille d'Elie Dodart.
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Cérémonie de Javerlhac pendant les années 9O |
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Herbert Brill avec son appareil-photo |
Herbert Brill : Remise de la Légion d'Honneur - Grassac le 16 juillet 2OO5 (lien)