Site dédié à la résistance, surtout du sud-ouest , la vie quotidienne sous l'occupation, les Alliés et la libération de la France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. A blog dedicated to the French Resistance particularly in the Charente and the Dordogne, daily life under the occupation, the Allies and the liberation of France during the Second World War.
Vehicle Military Run : Suffolk / Norfolk - Saturday 20th June 2015
The next fund raiser for the 490th BG Memorial Project is an afternoon military vehicle run around the Diss area.
14:00 Start at Eye (490th BG) (Progress Way)
Calling at: Fersfield (Operation Aphrodite) and Thorpe Abbotts (100th BG).
18:00 finish at: Hardwick (93rd BG).
BBQ at Hardwick • Overnight camping available • Hardwick Warbirds Open Day Sunday.
No military vehicle ? No problem !
Get to the start point promptly to secure your seat on a military vehicle or just follow the convoy in your own vehicle!
Suggested donation: £6
Supporting the 490th Bomb Group Memorial Project. Link : www.490th.co.uk
Those who are interested in attending please email 490thmemorial@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list for updates on the event.